WhAt is eft tapping?
Tapping is a beautiful, gentle somatic therapy that works with the body’s meridian system to promote mind-body healing. Many refer to tapping as “acupuncture without the needles” as we stimulate different pressure points on the body by tapping them with our fingers. Because most illness holds an emotional component, our emotion or “energy in motion” gets stuck in the body and symptoms appear. Tapping moves that energy through and out of the body, unblocking it at its source.
It is a deeply transformative way to move past limiting beliefs, heal developmental wounds and trauma, and release anxious and compulsive behaviors. It puts you in charge of your nervous system and allows for a deeper level of understanding of how your emotions impact the functions of your body. It also just feels really great! You will feel its physical effects immediately, especially if your body is holding feelings like anxiety and anger, or if you’re stuck in an unhelpful thought loop. Tapping can be used on its own or as a supplement to talk therapy.
benefits of eft tapping
Instantly regulate your emotions
Eliminate long-held phobias
Learn to self-soothe
Manage acute and chronic physical ailments
Gently resolve trauma and PTSD
Overcome addiction
Strengthen your vagus nerve and stop getting stuck in fight/flight/freeze/fawn
eft tapping for
Limiting beliefs
Phobias (like fear of flying or needles)
Chronic pain
Money blockages
Trauma and PTSD
Emotional dysregulation
Intrusive thoughts
What happens in an EFT TAPPING SESSION?
Tapping combines ancient Chinese acupressure with modern psychology. The 9 points we will tap on in our sessions (shown in the video below) connect to major energy channels in the body and their associated organs/glands (like the gallbladder, kidney, and spleen). When we stimulate these points energy begins to flow more easily and we restore balance and help ourselves heal. For example, tapping above the eyebrow -the bladder point - helps us release fear and frustration and let’s life “flow.”
Each session we will identify the feelings or events you want to explore and begin peeling away the layers and complexities as we tap on pressure points on the hands, face, and upper body. I’ll narrate the session and you’ll repeat after me. For example “even though I feel angry, I accept all of my feelings.” We’ll continue to tap until you feel the anger fade away.
Once we clear out a difficult or negative emotion or event, we enter a more neutral space in our mind and body. This creates opportunity to allow more goodness to enter - new perspectives, new beliefs, and new outcomes for your life.
Tapping can be done in-person in my Brooklyn office or virtually. Try tapping along with me in the video below!
Does tapping work?
Many experts agree that stress is a primary cause of physical and mental illness. Tapping is a well-researched technique that works to rewire the brain by sending calming signals to the amygdala, the part of your brain that processes stress (think fight or flight responses). Tapping reduces the stress hormone Cortisol by 43%. Whether you experience chronic stress or hold decades old trauma in your body, tapping is a scientifically proven way to strengthen your nervous system.
People are often baffled by how quickly tapping works. Most of my clients feel wary of it at first because it seems too good to be true. We are trained to do things the hard way, to use all of our grit to overcome something. Tapping is so gentle and easy, it’s pretty much the opposite of what we’ve been taught. Here’s the thing: you’ve lived in the pain everyday for far too long. The healing process doesn’t need to mirror your pain.
how do i know if tapping is right for me?
If you’ve struggled with meditation, if you love acupuncture or even if you’re scared of the needles (tapping can eliminate that fear btw!). If you want to feel more connected to your body and how it functions, the ways in which the mind and body are deeply connected to each other, if you’ve tried talk therapy and feel stuck. If you want to find a way to manage stress and sleep better at night - tapping might be for you! Tapping is extremely safe and has no side effects - why not give it a try?
EFT Packages
Single tapping session: $225
3 tapping sessions: $600
5 tapping sessions: $950
Mary is absolutely incredible. As I move through anxiety and medication side effects specific to breast cancer, working with her (talking and tapping) has provided calm and relief in ways nothing else does. I had zero previous experience with tapping, but I’ve discovered it’s enormously helpful! And I think it has a lot to do with Mary’s approach and how she pulls from her vast skill set and deep somatic awareness. So grateful. Highly recommended!
- Rachel J.
My EFT tapping sessions with Mary proved transformative. I told her that I didn’t believe in affirmations. She assured me that I did not have to say anything I didn’t want to. Her repetition of what I said; her allowing me to rephrase proposed affirmations to fit what I could tolerate stating; her literarily-informed understanding of precision in words and tone all worked to create an ideal series of tapping over five sessions. The mirroring offered by her repetitions, and my mimicking her tapping, served to put me in a childlike state. I felt embracingly witnessed in the way the best psychoanalytic sessions have only touched at brief apexes in treatment. My body also recalibrated into former hormonal states that I thought were lost to me after several years of being in recovery. The EFT tapping sessions were powerful, and I suspect pivotal, in the resurrection of sorts that seemed to tumble through my life in the coming year.
-Suzie O.
My EFT tapping work with Mary has been invigorating and life-affirming. I was losing energy and purpose and succumbing to an overwhelming sense of uselessness and old age. As a result of our EFT tapping work together, my body and soul are healthier and I look forward to each day with optimism.
- Peg D.